CBD Options


It never fails.

As soon as you make your way towards the front door, your dog starts to howl, frightened of being left alone.

You want to help your beloved dog to live a healthier, happier life — but you’re concerned about the expense of training or medication side effects.

CBD oil for dogs may be able to help. Read on to find out how.

What Can Cannabis Oil for Dogs Help With?

One of the most wonderful things about CBD oil for dogs is that it can help to manage the symptoms of a wide variety of conditions.

CBD oil can also help your dog remain calm when you leave or during storms or fireworks.

How It Works

Now that you know more about what CBD oil for dogs can do, let’s talk about how it works.

Like humans, dogs also have an endocannabinoid system, which contains both CB1 and CB2 receptors. CBD stimulates the neurotransmitters in these receptors, which are responsible for managing your pet’s response to both physical and emotional factors.

CBD restores the hormonal balance by stimulating these receptors with cannabinoids, strengthening the already-present endocannabinoids in the system.

Remember, because CBD is THC-free, it won’t leave your dog feeling high or confused.

Best of all, because CBD is natural, it’s completely safe for your pet (just let your vet know you’re planning to try CBD oil if your dog is taking any other medications).